Now this month I am going to chat about making space. I suspect you are thinking what on earth are you talking about space when this is a fertility and pregnancy blog?
I work on so many levels physically, mentally, and spiritually. One aspect that many people may forget to think about is partly connected to the mental and spiritual connection!
Many years ago, a friend of mine was a Feng Shui consultant who worked on my house to help me with a few things. I was blown away by what I learned. One of the things that I now pass on to my clients is the following.
We are making space for something new to enter your life!
Have you ever heard people saying “if you want to buy something then you need to let one thing go”
This is a way of not over cluttering your house. Well, we can use this principle with regard to a baby. The basic rule is to make space for them, this can be done physically by making some space by starting to plan a nursery space, and mentally this is also essential so that you have the right energy to invite a new sole in. So, with my sessions, we use visualisation to help clear the mind and be open to new life!
If one of your thoughts is that you only have a small space then you are still able to do many things to be able to have the baby space you need. One idea is that you can create a baby corner in your bedroom if you don’t have a room available. There are many options that you can use and think about. Don’t make the lack of space the reason that you feel you can’t open up your mind and home to a new life.
Here is a small meditation that you may find helpful.